
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Autumn Wreath

I am amazed at two things.  One, my last blog post was in January.  What??  Two, I actually have quiet, leisurely time to put together a quick entry.  I do wish I had more time to do crafty things and post entries on them.  I miss using my creativeness.  

The wreath that's been on my door is the one from my last blog entry.  A white, rose wreath.  

Now that September is almost over I figured it was time to switch it up and get with the season that is just around the corner:  Autumn.

I've had this wreath hiding in the corner next to the piano.  And let's be real...I made it in 2011, which is so yesterday. 

I knew I wasn't going to use it so I figured I could update it.  I cut off all of the felt flowers I had made, which left just the yarn wrapped wreath.  My daughter and I shopped at Hobby Lobby for some new yarn, leaves, and silk flowers.  Here is what we found:

While my daughter and I watched "Flubber" (RIP Robin Williams) I wrapped, and wrapped, and wrapped.  Finally, the creme yarn was completely covered.

The next step was to cut the flowers from the stems, as well as the leaves.  I slowly hot glued some leaves, then a flower, then some more leaves, and more flowers. I started at the base of the wreath in the center and moved out to the right and left until I thought it looked completed.

The finished product...which will probably up until Winter.

Hopefully the it won't be so long before my next entry.  I've got one all ready to go, too.  My daughter has earned quite a few medals this season at her first go around at competitive gymnastics.  She asked if we could make something to hang them from.  The project is if I can just find more time to post.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Everything's Coming Up Roses

New year, new wreath.  For the last few months I've had an old "fallish" wreath on our front door (found here.)

I was tired of seeing this wreath and wanted something new.  I came across the wreath I made last spring (found here), but it was a bit worn.

I ended up keeping the wreath itself from the picture above and cut off all the yarn.

I picked up some yarn, silk flowers, and ribbon.  Yes, those are some fake dew drops on the roses (more on that later.)

I went with the bouquet of roses, instead of singles because even though the flowers were 50% off, they are still pretty expensive when you get to the better quality flowers.  I bought the bouquet because it was the most bang for my buck.  As far as the cheesy dew drops, I ended up cutting off most of the petals with the "water" on them.

After wrapping, and wrapping, and wrapping the wreath I started hot gluing the roses.  I started in the middle and worked outward with the small roses being placed in between the larger ones.

Within 30 minutes I was done!  

At the time I took the following pictures the sun was shining on the front door, making for some tricky lighting.  Of course I'm too impatient to wait until tomorrow and really, who knows when I'd remember to actually take the pictures when the lighting is just perfect.